
Using annuals to fill in around shrubs and perennials is always a great idea as they provide more flower power throughout the growing season. There is always a huge choice available at garden centers which should satisfy everyone’s individual tastes.

When you find the colors and types that you want make sure they have a healthy appearance, you want to know they’ve gotten regular water to keep them at their best. They typically come in little six packs and in four inch pots, some are available in quarts and gallon containers but those are normally reserved for perennials and shrubs.

Even though the annual may seem tiny at the beginning if given proper care it will amaze you with its growth during the warm weather. At Nature’s Friends we can help you make a good choice for your yard and help you to plant them correctly so they have the very best start. It is ideal to have some nice, loose soil for the annuals to have their best growing conditions. This allows their roots to get a jump start and begin growing a bigger plant.

Lots of people place annuals in pots and this is a great way to have color you can move around, kind of like rearranging your furniture! Use a good quality potting mix, don’t use any bag that doesn’t have the words potting mix or medium on it, using a garden soil or top soil will guarantee your plants will probably die in a pot as they are too heavy. Potting mixes are made specifically to be a light consistency and to provide additional nutrients as continual watering of pots can drain out all the nutrients necessary for good growth.

As you plant annuals make sure you pay attention to what their final growth size will be because they are going to get much bigger than they are when you buy them. So you want to be certain to give them enough space to grow to their intended size without being wedged up against their neighbors. During the season you will want to give them some extra fertilizer because they suck up nutrients to maintain their pretty appearance. The liquid mixes seem to work the best with annuals. And if your annuals start to look tired during the hottest part of the season you can just pull them out and plant new ones to revive the look and color you want.

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