Soften the Edges of Your Hardscape

Around your home there are sure to be pathways, patios, driveways and other parts of your landscape which have some hard edges.  You may be totally happy with the appearance of these parts of your estate but then again you might really want to find a way to make them appear softer.

You are in luck because there are many varieties of plants which can take some foot traffic and make your hard corners lose their angles just a bit.  Of course we all use the common turf grass but it doesn’t spread to form circular patterns for those edges.  There are also the annual and perennial beds which we can plant close by the sidewalks and driveways but they also end at the edge.  So we can turn to these creeping perennials to make everything just a bit less edgy.

There are several varieties of these to use in different locations to achieve the look and durability you desire.  Here at Nature’s Friends Landscaping we can take a look at your property to help you determine which of these wonderful ground hugging plants would be best for you.  The most durable of the lot has to include the ornamental Thymes, specifically the Wooly Thyme is excellent for this application.  It grows very flat, rising only one to three inches, and the tiny leaves have a fuzzy texture which promotes the softening features.  Once established it needs very little water, but it does like a lot of sun and a yearly trim to keep it looking tidy.

Blue Star Creeper and Mazus Reptans are two more pretty hardy creeping perennials to provide some pretty accents and softness for your hard surfaces.  These will grow enthusiastically but are easy to keep in bounds with a bit of attention. 

As with all plants these need good soil and regular water when they are planted, once they are established they will reward you with beautiful green and soft growth for your walkways or wherever you might want to plant them.  Another benefit as they grow is they will help with any weed and erosion issues.

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